Fast icy updo ❄️ 💁‍♀️ Learn tricks to put hair up like this in minutes in Edmonton, Alberta Canada THIS weekend. . I’ll be presenting updos at @ibsspro All About Beauty Show at 9:45am and 11:45am on Sunday. I’m teaching hands-on updo workshops (basic and advanced) all day Monday. Private seminars on Tuesday. Hope to see you there or contact @ibsspro for tickets 👍😊 . . #kellgrace #updo #hairstyle #hair #canada

Fast icy updo ❄️ 💁‍♀️ Learn tricks to put hair up like this in minutes in Edmonton, Alberta Canada THIS weekend. .
I’ll be presenting updos at @ibsspro All About Beauty Show at 9:45am and 11:45am on Sunday. I’m teaching hands-on updo workshops (basic and advanced) all day Monday. Private seminars on Tuesday. Hope to see you there or contact @ibsspro for tickets 👍😊
#kellgrace #updo #hairstyle #hair #canada