Teaching updo techniques is a huge passion of mine and has opened doors beyond my imagination! I’m so excited to announce new shows, classes, and cities for this fall. ⭐️ Stay tuned. KellGrace.com/tour ⭐️ OR to book a class or show email info@KellGrace.com. . . #kellgrace #updo #hair #hairstyles #hairtutorial #tutorial #hairshow #haireducation #braid #hairbun #hairdo #stylist #salon 📷: @salonyoubelleville

Teaching updo techniques is a huge passion of mine and has opened doors beyond my imagination! I’m so excited to announce new shows, classes, and cities for this fall.
⭐️ Stay tuned. KellGrace.com/tour ⭐️ OR to book a class or show email info@KellGrace.com.
#kellgrace #updo #hair #hairstyles #hairtutorial #tutorial #hairshow #haireducation #braid #hairbun #hairdo #stylist #salon 📷: @salonyoubelleville